Friday, July 10, 2009

Our baby, Our joy

Our baby Daniel is a constant source of joy for us. He is now squealing with delight and loves to smile at everyone. His lips move when he watches me sing in church and he loves music! He is also so strong and coordinated it blows my mind. Daniel and I were wondering the other day where he got all his strength and coordination from. He now rolls over in both directions, stands really well while holding on to something or someone he can use furniture to support himself now! He steps around like he's walking when I hold his fingers. He can sit on his own with his hands touching the ground, he can hold toys. He loves the parks baby swing which his dad pushes him much too high in for my liking but Baby D seems to appreciate it immensely. We love him! It's so fun! The only sad thing lately is he isn't sleeping as well as he used to. He's been waking up, pulling on his ears and fussing a bit more than usual, I think he might be teething but I'm not sure.

The house's floors are all in! Hurrah! all we have left is the trim, counter tops, fireplace and grouting the tile in the bathroom. Trim starts next week, Daniels doing the grouting, we can live without counter tops a while we have sub tops for now! I'll post pics as soon as I get them! -Shari

Oh the backyard has the best blueberries ever! Oregon has awesome berries!


  1. Your baby is darling and you look fabulous. Glad all is going well. How old is he now?

  2. Glad your back to posting. It is fun to see the family growing and well.
